Griechische musik instrumental
Griechische musik instrumental

Music was also present during times of initiation, worship, and religious celebration, playing very integral parts of the sacrificial cults of Apollo and Dionysus. The sarcophagus of Hagia Triada shows that the aulos was present during sacrifices as early as 1300 BC. Music occupied an important role in the Greek sacrificial ceremonies. The offering of libations were often accompanied by a special libation melody called the spondeion, which was often accompanied by an aulos player. Before and after the Greek drinking parties, religious libations, or the religious the act of partaking and pouring out drink, would be made to deities, usually the Olympic gods, the heroes, and Zeus. A popular type of piece to be played while drinking at these drinking parties was the skolion, a piece composed to be heard while drinking. Music was also used for entertainment when it accompanied drinking-parties or symposia. Instrumental music served a religious and entertaining role in ancient Greece as it would often accompany religious events, rituals, and festivals. "The word 'music' expressed the entire education". Pericles' teacher Damon said, according to Plato in the Republic, "when fundamental modes of music change, the fundamental modes of the state change with them." Music and gymnastics comprised the main divisions in one's schooling. Music played an integral role in ancient Greek society. Side A of a red-figure amphora, Walters Art Museum Aristoxenus believed that intervals should be judged by ear instead of mathematical ratios, though Aristoxenus was influenced by Pythagoras and used mathematics terminology and measurements in his research. Aristoxenus, who wrote a number of musicological treatises, for example, studied music with a more empirical tendency. They developed tuning systems and harmonic principles that focused on simple integers and ratios, laying a foundation for acoustic science however, this was not the only school of thought in ancient Greece. The Pythagoreans focused on the mathematics and the acoustical science of sound and music. The study of music in ancient Greece was included in the curriculum of great philosophers, Pythagoras in particular believed that music was subject to the same mathematical laws of harmony as the mechanics of the cosmos, evolving into an idea known as the music of the spheres. Specifically the teachings of the Pythagoreans, Ptolemy, Philodemus, Aristoxenus, Aristides, and Plato compile most of our understanding of ancient Greek music theory, musical systems, and musical ethos. The music and music theory of ancient Greece laid the foundation for western music and western music theory, as it would go on to influence the ancient Romans, the early Christian church and the medieval composers. The word music comes from the Muses, the daughters of Zeus and patron goddesses of creative and intellectual endeavours.Ĭoncerning the origin of music and musical instruments: the history of music in ancient Greece is so closely interwoven with Greek mythology and legend that it is often difficult to surmise what is historically true and what is myth.

Griechische musik instrumental professional#

There are some fragments of actual Greek musical notation, many literary references, depictions on ceramics and relevant archaeological remains, such that some things can be known-or reasonably surmised-about what the music sounded like, the general role of music in society, the economics of music, the importance of a professional caste of musicians, etc. It thus played an integral role in the lives of ancient Greeks. The music of ancient Greece was almost universally present in ancient Greek society, from marriages, funerals, and religious ceremonies to theatre, folk music, and the ballad-like reciting of epic poetry. Ancient Greek warrior playing the salpinx, late 6th–early 5th century BC, Attic black-figure lekythos

Griechische musik instrumental